In addition to grammar, vocabulary and functional language, the Achievement tests include reading, listening and writing sections. The Achievement tests are more extensive than the Unit tests and are designed to check both language and skills development in the previous two or three units of the book. The four- to five-page Achievement tests are placed at regular intervals, after every two units of the Students’ Book. The tests are deliberately short, and are designed to give both teachers and students immediate feedback on their understanding and assimilation of the key language in each unit. These tests contain seven or eight exercises which focus on the specific grammar, vocabulary and functional language covered in that unit. Types of Test There is a two-page Unit test for each unit of the Advanced Students’ Book. Speakout 2 nd Edition provides both teachers and learners with a comprehensive range of evaluation and testing materials.
It is also envisaged that the tests will give learners a sense of progress and achievement that will motivate them to continue learning.
Overview of testing materials The main purpose of the tests in Speakout 2 nd Edition is to enable teachers to identify learners’ strengths and weaknesses, and assess whether remedial teaching is necessary.